Sixty Days of Coping with Hellish COVID

Author Details

Semoon Chang

Journal Details


Published: 1 April 2024 | Article Type : Case Report


This is the real-life description of an individual who received all the available covid vaccines recommended by the U.S. CDC and still was felled by the virus. He travelled to Korea in late 2023 for a family visit. Five days after returning, covid symptom appeared (PCR test). We read gripping stories of Covid’s effects, but rarely have an account of its effects on an elderly person. The author had never been so ill. In spite of this, he fended off his physician’s advice to go to an emergency room. He desperately wanted to stay at home where he was most comfortable and could feel the peace his home offered. The author states he wrote this paper in the hopes of letting readers know a first-person account of Covid’s effects. Hopefully it will be useful for those who are doing research on Covid or are interested in learning more about the effects of Covid

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Case Report

How to Cite


Semoon Chang. (2024-04-01). "Sixty Days of Coping with Hellish COVID." *Volume 7*, 1, 9-12